Sunday, June 6, 2010

Altera Annual Shareholder Meeting (2010)

Altera Corporation (ALTR) held its annual meeting in San Jose, California on May 6, 2010. Initially, no food or drinks were offered, but when the meeting was over, there was a small table with some pastries, coffee, and bottled water.

John Daane, President, CEO and Chairman, handled the meeting (he is the one in the suit in the picture above). He began by introducing the Board of Directors, executive team, and founders.

Unfortunately, I lost my notes from this meeting, and weeks have passed since I attended. All I remember is that CEO John Daane was extremely impressive. Many times, in response to a question, he would cite relevant numbers and statistics from memory. Mr. Daane seemed confident that Altera was well-positioned for steady growth and provided objective support for his statements.

I apologize for this sparse review--if I find my notes, I will revisit this post and do an update.

Disclosure: I own an insignificant number of Altera (ALTR) shares.

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