"No greater nor no better Law, say I, than to love God above all, and all our Fellow-Creatures as ourselves; these two contain Law, Prophets and Gospel, do to all as we would be done by." -- Quaker Benjamin Lay
"Schools are quick to blame everyone and everything but themselves for the failures of American education. To them, every bad teacher is the exception and every bad parent is the rule." -- Thomas Sowell
Bonus: "She wasn't like some of the girls. She wouldn't have gone with a fellow she didn't like even if he had all the dough in the world. That's why I liked her so, that's why I loved her so much... You don't know how tough it is to get a job, not when you don't know anyone." -- Donald Roberson, "Thursday Night at Roy's" (Autumn 1936, The Folio)
"Schools are quick to blame everyone and everything but themselves for the failures of American education. To them, every bad teacher is the exception and every bad parent is the rule." -- Thomas Sowell
Bonus: "She wasn't like some of the girls. She wouldn't have gone with a fellow she didn't like even if he had all the dough in the world. That's why I liked her so, that's why I loved her so much... You don't know how tough it is to get a job, not when you don't know anyone." -- Donald Roberson, "Thursday Night at Roy's" (Autumn 1936, The Folio)