This year's ballot is extremely complicated because so many different candidates are running. I used a new "test" to choose candidates this year: whomever had the most humble written statement got my vote.
As for measures/propositions, I usually vote "No," but this year's options contained a few interesting ones, including a local measure on affordable housing.
Governor: J. Bribiesca ["I was a homeless child." This candidate is a Mexican immigrant and retired medical doctor (perfusionist). Fascinating statement. By the way, another candidate's statement simply reads, "Why not!"]
Lt. Governor: Jeff Bleich [One of the best-written statements. Ends with, "I'd be grateful to have your vote."]
Secretary of State: C.T. Weber [No chance to win, but most interesting and most humble statement.]
Controller: Konstantinos Roditis [Pledges to audit the California High-Speed Rail System's finances, which seem to run over budget constantly, despite numerous sales tax increases.]
Treasurer: Jack M. Guerrero [Both an underdog and overqualified. Stanford and Harvard graduate. Lecturer in statistics. Son of Mexican immigrants--"farmworkers and later, factory workers who settled in Los Angeles." Of all the candidates, I'm rooting most for him.]
Attorney General: Xavier Becerra
Insurance Commissioner: Asif Mahmood
Member, State Board of Equalization, District 2: Cathleen Galgiani
U.S. Senator: President Obama endorsed Dianne Feinstein. (If you're not a Democrat, Derrick Michael Reid had my favorite profile.) [The strangest candidate statements--including several scary ones--were in this section.]
U.S. Representative: Anna G. Eshoo
State Assembly Member: Evan Low
Recall Aaron Persky? Yes. [He ran his campaign on judicial independence, but no lawyer has refuted my argument: rubber-stamping the probation officer's recommendation is the opposite of independent activity.] I chose Angela F. Storey to succeed him.
Superintendent of Public Instruction: Marshall Tuck
County Member, Board of Supervisors, District 4: I don't think anyone available is particularly honorable, but I detest smear campaigns, and Pierluigi Oliverio is the victim of one this year.
Sheriff: Laurie Smith
Mayor of San Jose: Sam Liccardo [Disclosure: I was a low-level, unpaid volunteer for Liccardo on his first mayoral campaign.]
Measure 68: No
Measure 69: No
Measure 70: Yes
Measure 71: Yes
Measure 72: Yes
Regional Measure 3: Do you want to pay higher tolls for potentially better public transportation? Then vote yes; otherwise, vote no.
San Jose Measure B: No
San Jose Measure C: Yes (affordable housing)
As for measures/propositions, I usually vote "No," but this year's options contained a few interesting ones, including a local measure on affordable housing.
Governor: J. Bribiesca ["I was a homeless child." This candidate is a Mexican immigrant and retired medical doctor (perfusionist). Fascinating statement. By the way, another candidate's statement simply reads, "Why not!"]
Lt. Governor: Jeff Bleich [One of the best-written statements. Ends with, "I'd be grateful to have your vote."]
Secretary of State: C.T. Weber [No chance to win, but most interesting and most humble statement.]
Controller: Konstantinos Roditis [Pledges to audit the California High-Speed Rail System's finances, which seem to run over budget constantly, despite numerous sales tax increases.]
Treasurer: Jack M. Guerrero [Both an underdog and overqualified. Stanford and Harvard graduate. Lecturer in statistics. Son of Mexican immigrants--"farmworkers and later, factory workers who settled in Los Angeles." Of all the candidates, I'm rooting most for him.]
Attorney General: Xavier Becerra
Insurance Commissioner: Asif Mahmood
Member, State Board of Equalization, District 2: Cathleen Galgiani
U.S. Senator: President Obama endorsed Dianne Feinstein. (If you're not a Democrat, Derrick Michael Reid had my favorite profile.) [The strangest candidate statements--including several scary ones--were in this section.]
U.S. Representative: Anna G. Eshoo
State Assembly Member: Evan Low
Recall Aaron Persky? Yes. [He ran his campaign on judicial independence, but no lawyer has refuted my argument: rubber-stamping the probation officer's recommendation is the opposite of independent activity.] I chose Angela F. Storey to succeed him.
Superintendent of Public Instruction: Marshall Tuck
County Member, Board of Supervisors, District 4: I don't think anyone available is particularly honorable, but I detest smear campaigns, and Pierluigi Oliverio is the victim of one this year.
Sheriff: Laurie Smith
Mayor of San Jose: Sam Liccardo [Disclosure: I was a low-level, unpaid volunteer for Liccardo on his first mayoral campaign.]
Measure 68: No
Measure 69: No
Measure 70: Yes
Measure 71: Yes
Measure 72: Yes
Regional Measure 3: Do you want to pay higher tolls for potentially better public transportation? Then vote yes; otherwise, vote no.
San Jose Measure B: No
San Jose Measure C: Yes (affordable housing)