Sunday, July 4, 2010

E.B. White and Independence

E.B. White: "I think the Court again heard clearly the simple theme that ennobles our Constitution: that no one shall be made to feel uncomfortable or unsafe because of nonconformity."

Happy 4th of July.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Mario's Story: My Highest Recommendation

Mario's Story (2007): "[E]ventually good triumphs, but before it triumphs, a lot of people have to suffer."

I highly recommend Mario's Story, about Mario Rocha, a man who was wrongfully imprisoned for murder.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Equinox Flower

From the Japanese film, Equinox Flower: "Then everyone's inconsistent. Everyone but God. Life is absurd. We're not all perfect. As a scholar said, 'The sum total of inconsistencies is life.'"

Reminds me of Walt Whitman:

Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)


Interesting piece on immigration, both legal and non-legal:

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Notes from a Legal Seminar

Some notes from a recent legal seminar:

Judge: "[Court] Trials are civilized combat."

An example of an opening statement to a jury: you've got the facts, the law, and your common sense.

Judge Conrad Rushing on CMCs:

1) Make every appearance count; and
2) Don't continue it out. [i.e., avoid continuances.]

California has a 95% settlement rate, i.e., 95% of cases in the state do not go to trial.

In mediation, if there is an impasse, ask the side that is refusing to budge the following questions:

1. What do you think the case is worth?
2. If they offered that much, how much would you counter with?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Not My Stock Picks

Apparently some other website--without my permission--took a list of stocks it believed I had, and created a list with performance numbers. See below:

NVDA +0.36% since 08/12/08
JMBA +140.61% since 08/04/08
GRMN -9.46% since 07/30/08
SO -7.16% since 07/30/08

For the record, I am not recommending any of the stocks mentioned above. As a rule, I do not recommend any stocks or stock market actions, so if you run across a stock list related to me, ignore it. I used to publicize some of my own stock purchases for informational purposes only, but I stopped doing it when I realized I was becoming too focused on short-term gains and losses.

The information on this site is provided for discussion purposes only. Under no circumstances do any statements here represent a recommendation to buy or sell securities or make any kind of an investment. You are responsible for your own due diligence. To summarize, I do not provide investment advice, nor do I make any claims or promises that any information here will lead to a profit, loss, or any other result.