Friday, September 26, 2008

Katha Pollitt's Take on Sarah Palin

The Nation's Katha Pollitt has an immensely entertaining piece on Sarah Palin:

"If she wasn't a big reactionary, she'd make a fantastic community organizer."

"But let's be real: There is just no way Palin is equipped to be vice president, much less president. She doesn't know enough; she lacks the necessary grasp of, and curiosity about, our complex world; her political philosophy could fit on a bumper sticker: Us versus Them."

Yes, it's a lefty view, but it's great writing, so I had to share. I had no idea McCain's campaign demanded and received special debate rules for the Biden-Palin debate. Shame on McCain for making such a demand.

Katha Pollitt has a blog:

I can't believe I haven't read more by Ms. Pollitt. She is joie de vivre personified.

[Note: this post has been modified since its original publication.]

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