Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pete Constant: Another Lying Politician?

Update on November 24, 2009: it's been several weeks since San Jose City Councilmember Pete Constant said he would provide additional information justifying his vote against government transparency. Even after I sent a reminder/email, no one from his office has contacted me. 

Update on October 27, 2009: after speaking with Councilmember Pete Constant, I need to add some comments to this post. 

First, I had complained his office did not return an email, but Mr. Constant indicated I may have used an incorrect email address. (The correct email address is Pete.Constant@sanjoseca.gov) 

Second, before you read my original post, which is below, I should provide some background. Mr. Constant voted against a Sunshine Reform Task Force recommendation that would have made it easier to access police records and statistics. Mr. Constant said he voted against the recommendation because he was concerned about victims' privacy and public safety. He specifically mentioned protecting the results of police investigations. He alleged that if the Council had approved the Task Force's recommendation "as is," then anyone would have been able to access details of police investigations, including personal information in identity theft reports. 

Also, as a former bank robbery detective, Mr. Constant told me he often included trade secrets--such as bank floor plans and vulnerabilities--in his investigative reports. One reason he did not vote to approve the Task Force's recommendation is because he believed the public, including potential criminals, would have been able to access such trade secrets. Mr. Constant also raised the issue of home robbery investigations and accompanying home inventory records, saying he wanted to protect residents from having their valuable assets revealed pursuant to a Public Records request. 

Sounds good, doesn't it? Except it's wrong. As the Task Force itself pointed out, Government Code section 6254(f) already addresses these concerns: 

Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to require disclosure of records that are any of the following: (f) Records of complaints to, or investigations conducted by, or records of intelligence information or security procedures of, the office of the Attorney General and the Department of Justice, the California Emergency Management Agency, and any state or local police agency, or any investigatory or security files compiled by any other state or local police agency...[and] nothing in this division shall require the disclosure of that portion of those investigative files that reflects the analysis or conclusions of the investigating officer. 

When I mentioned this code section to Mr. Constant, he said that it was unclear whether the 6254(f) exemption would apply if the Council approved the recommendation. Mr. Constant defended his vote against improved government transparency by saying, "If I believe there is [even] a [slight] chance under the recommendation that victim rights could be compromised, then I can’t support it [i.e., the recommendation]." 

I was skeptical about Mr. Constant's belief that the existing 6254(f) exemption didn't address his concerns. I responded that if the Task Force's recommendation would have released investigative results, then I would have voted against it, too. However, the Task Force itself cited the 6254(f) exemption, which indicates it was not trying to remove the exemption. 

Also, it is common knowledge that local laws cannot trump state laws, only extend them, and you can't "extend" 6254(f)'s prohibition against disclosing investigatory reports--doing so would destroy the exemption itself. Mr. Constant said I was incorrect that the 6254(f) exemption would continue to apply, because the Task Force's recommendation would be extending rights under the Records Act, and the proposed extension of rights could be interpreted as eliminating the exemption for investigatory reports. 

I continue to disagree, but Mr. Constant said he would send me more information, so I will reserve judgment. [Update: as of November 24, 2009, I have received no further information from Mr. Constant or his office.] Still, once you see the quote I cited from the Task Force's report, which specifically cites Government Code 6254(f), it should be apparent that no reasonable person or judge would rule that the Task Force or Council intended to remove existing state law exemptions relating to police investigations. 

To offer support for his legal interpretation, Mr. Constant told me the Attorney General's(?) office, the Undercover Narcotic Officers' Association, and the D.A.'s office all told him they had issues with compromising investigations if the Council approved the recommendation. 

I asked Mr. Constant a final question: "What was ultimately decided regarding police records?" He said he would email me something that addressed my question soon, and we said our goodbyes. 

I think local law enforcement gave the "party line" to Mr. Constant, and he accepted it. Few government lawyers or police officers want to spend time figuring out how to shield potentially embarrassing information from the public. 

Right now, the police department can easily block information from the public. Under a "balancing test," explained below, the police may reject a request for records if they--in their subjective opinion--believe the request is improper. The police's rejection forces the requesting party to hire a lawyer and file a lawsuit, an option few people can afford. If, however, the Task Force's recommendation had passed, the public would be presumptively entitled to police statistics and reports not covered by a specific exemption. Of course, that's more work the police and government lawyers have to do, so they have an interest in telling Councilmembers the most far-fetched legal interpretation possible. It is still disappointing to think that any Councilmember would favor minority union interests over his/her own constituency's right to government transparency. 

By the way, Councilmember Sam Liccardo is a Harvard Law School graduate and a former D.A. He voted to approve the Task Force's recommendation. If there was a real problem with the task force's recommendation, wouldn't Mr. Liccardo have voted against it? 

In the end, government transparency is crucial to maintaining a reputable democratic republic. Therefore, if extending the law creates more work, so be it--the solution isn't to deny transparency, but to become more efficient in handling requests. 

Some color commentary: 

1. Mr. Constant was generous enough to speak to me for about 10 minutes, even though he had a cold and was coughing throughout the conversation. In fact, he told me he would probably be taking a sick day tomorrow. Kudos to him for responding to my emails and telephone call on the same day. 

2. Mr. Constant told me he would send me some information to further explain his rationale on the 6-5 vote. I specifically mentioned wanting some support relating to his belief that Government Code 6254(f) wouldn't apply if the Council passed the recommendation. If I get more information, I will update this post again. [Update: as of January 10, 2010, I have not received any information from Mr. Constant's office.]

SJPD to San Jose: You Want to See Police Records? Go Stick It Where the Sun Don't Shine

I can't believe I missed this--in a narrow 6-5 vote, San Jose City Council rejected greater transparency into police records and stats. The following six council-members voted against government transparency: Chuck Reed, Nancy Pyle, Pete Constant, Pierluigi Oliverio, Judy Chirco, and Rose Herrera. Remember to vote them out come election time.

The council voted 6-5 against the Sunshine Reform Task Force proposal. The vote came after almost an hour of public testimony and an even longer discussion by the council on the issue, proposed one year ago. Mayor Chuck Reed voted against the proposal along with Vice Mayor Judy Chirco and council members Nancy Pyle, Pete Constant, Pierluigi Oliverio and Rose Herrera. [SJ Merc, by Tracy Seipel, 10/21/2009]

While most residents appreciate our city's rank-and-file officers, it is incredible that our city council can't appreciate transparency when it comes to a police department that has cost local taxpayers millions of dollars in legal settlements and that has been accused of using excessive force without due cause.

Speaking of police officers, wouldn't it be nice to know whether SJPD Officers Kenneth Siegel, Steven Payne Jr., Jerome Smith and Gabriel Reyes have attacked unarmed college students before? (These officers were involved in a much-publicized beating of SJSU student Phuong Ho.) Perhaps, but that's nowhere near the level of detail the San Jose Task Force initially recommended--at first, they only wanted general statistics:

A quarterly report on the SJPD's use of force in arrests, including the race and ethnicity of the person arrested, some geographic designation of the location of the arrest, the reason for the use of force by category...whether a warning was given prior to use of force, the type of force used by category (for example, firearms, Taser...), and the injuries sustained by the arrested party and officer, if any.

This recommendation may have been a response to the SJPD arresting numerous drunk persons, many of them Latino, in downtown San Jose. Later, the Task Force recommended that the SJPD and other local government agencies stop using a legal technicality to prevent the release of information:

Below, I am suggesting a new approach to the deliberative process issue. I continue to consider it critical that the city abandon its use of the deliberative process exemption, as Milpitas and San
Francisco have done, because the exemption undermines the very foundation of open government laws: The deliberative processes of government are precisely what citizens have a right and a need -- indeed, a responsibility -- to witness. If there is a vigorous debate among city staffers about the best approach to a controversial issue, that debate needs to be brought into the open so the residents of San Jose can participate in it--not cloaked by a dubious privilege.

The Task Force seems to believe the government is relying on technicalities to prevent full disclosure and is taking small steps to improve transparency. Seems simple enough so far, right? Later on, however, when the Task Force tries to extend transparency to police records, things get interesting. I wish I was a journalist covering the courthouse beat, but I have to tell you upfront I had a hard time figuring out exactly what happened. Although I read through some of these links, I am still a little confused, so take the rest of this post with a grain of salt.

First, let's give readers some basic legal background so they can understand the goals of the "Sunshine" Task Force. Ordinarily, a government agency may reject a citizen's request for information under a "balancing test": the "Balancing Test is a general exemption in the California Public Records Act (CPRA) that allows the City to withhold records only when 'the public interest served by nondisclosure clearly outweighs the public interest served by disclosure.'"

While the language seems clear, it is subject to wide interpretation. At the end of the day, some anonymous government employee gets to decide whether your request "clearly outweighs the public interest," and if s/he is against disclosure, s/he can reject your request under the "balancing test." (Although the balancing test was intended to balance the right to keep personal identifying information private vs. the public's right to a transparent government, in practice, it is often used to arbitrarily deny requests for information.)

It appears the "Sunshine" Task Force recommended only selective or minimal use of the arbitrary, subjective "balancing test" exemption. More specifically, the Task Force recommended replacing the subjective "balancing test" with other specific exemptions. In other words, either a public record fell under a specific exemption designated by the Task Force, or it didn't--and if it didn't, then the records had to be released. Problems arose when the Task Force extended its recommendations to police department records. Here is the specific section relating to police records:

Police records are already the subject of pervasive statutory exemptions (Government Code sections 6254(f) and 6254(k), Penal Code section 827 et seq., Government Code section 1040, etc.). They are also the subject of specific provisions of the proposed Sunshine Ordinance. There is no need for a balancing test.

The Task Force's recommendation is not to apply a balancing test when police records are involved. As I understand it, the recommendation, if implemented, would allow easy access to police records and statistics. For example--assuming the recommendation is accepted--if you request information asking for the number of people the SJPD arrested on September 2, 2009 on Market Street, the police must do its best to provide you with the information. It cannot rely on the "balancing test" and tell you to stick your request where the sun doesn't shine. (At the same time, the request is very broad, so the SJPD might charge you quite a bit of money for the staff research time or require you to be more specific. Most requests are usually very simple, like, "Provide me with all police reports from 2002 to 2009 relating to MY NAME.")

Why did the Task Force decide not to apply the balancing test exemption to police records? The Task Force reasoned that the law already provides plenty of exemptions that protect information relating to police records, so there is no need for additional layers of legal procedure. However, it appears that when the SJPD realized they might have to release records that included names of police officers or other information that would allow the public or a newspaper to verify their data, they probably raised holy hell.

After getting complaints from the police union, the City Council pushed back, saying it wanted to protect crime victims' personal information. This is a sensible concern, if applied to crime victims. After all, if I got mugged, I wouldn't want unfettered access to my name and contact information in a police report. The Task Force apparently agreed and created more restrictive guidelines for releasing information about crime victims; however, that wasn't good enough for the SJPD, who continued to push against open disclosure of records. The Council eventually sided with the police union, allowing them to use the arbitrary "balancing test" to deny access to police records.

Later on, it appears the Task Force tried to placate concerns about crime victims' privacy by emphasizing an additional factor: "the right to privacy afforded to victims by the California Constitution." However, the Council added two words to the Task Force's revised recommendation--"and others"--perhaps to further prevent access to records relating to police officers:

“…including the right of privacy afforded to victims and others by the California Constitution.”

Thus, it appears the Council allowed the SJPD to avoid releasing information relating to police officers (i.e., "and others") instead of addressing the original concern, which was to ask the SJPD to protect crime victims' information.

Thanks to the 6-5 decision rejecting some of the Task Force's recommendations, there's no sliver of sunshine when it comes to police records and statistics. Good night, and good luck.

Bonus I: Earlier this month, a court ordered Santa Clara County to pay a free speech group $500,000 for failing to disclose public records. See here.

Acting Santa Clara County Counsel Miguel Márquez "said that cost of the legal settlement is not expected to hurt programs in a county confronting massive budget shortfalls. 'I don’t think $500,000 in and of itself is going to impact programs.'”

Bonus II: Kudos to Bert Robinson, Assistant Managing Editor, San Jose Mercury News. He seems to be very active on the Task Force.

Update: follow-up with City Councilmember Pete Constant HERE.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Lockyer Calls Out State Legislature

California Legislators Got Drunk on Stock Market Gains

I've been studying California's budget. From 1998 to 2009, California added over 80,000 full time government employees. That means future taxpayers must pay for an additional 80,000+ pensions, lifetime medical benefits, and annual salaries. However, adding 80,000 more government employees is not the major problem, as long as we reform their generous long-term benefits.

The biggest problem is that starting in 1999, California's legislators assumed revenue/tax numbers based on stock market gains/sales and spent accordingly. From 1998 to 2000, spending jumped dramatically, but from 1999 to 2008, expenditures declined only once--right after the tech bubble popped, in 2003/2004. (Note: the tech bubble's peak was in 2000; hit a low in September 2002; and continued in a tight range until 2007.) Basically, it seems our legislators banked on an ever-increasing stock market to finance spending. Oops.

Public sector unions aren't helping. Even though the stock market money isn't there anymore, public sector unions are still acting like it's 2004. Behind closed doors, various unions have negotiated generous benefit packages, such as lifetime medical benefits and pensions. Unfortunately, it is difficult to project the cost of such benefits because no one knows how long a state employee will survive after retiring. As a result, if taxpayers desire consistently balanced budgets, it makes more sense to pay public sector employees higher salaries while reforming their generous benefits. (CalPERS, the state's public pension/health care fund, already has over $200 billion in assets.) Fiscal reform is possible without threatening state workers' job security, because government workers will continue to be unionized--reform would affect only the hard-to-project costs inherent in pensions and lifetime medical benefits.

As far as education is concerned, I am concerned we are spending too much money on it without seeing results. The state's website indicates that approximately 50% of the General Fund is reserved for K-14 education. In addition, California's Constitution requires that school coffers receive first crack at the largess:

"From all state revenues there shall first be set apart the moneys to be applied by the State for support of the public school system and public institutions of higher education."

Education spending is probably a sacred cow that needs to be slimmed down before we see any real change in California's fiscal health.

See here for a detailed webpage outlining the major issues, with plenty of stat-porn for the political wonks.

Bonus: Meg Whitman promises to cut 40,000 government jobs--back to 2004 levels--if we elect her Governor; however, I am unclear how she will accomplish that goal without incurring massive litigation and settlement costs. Perhaps the 40,000 positions she wants to cut are non-union or part-time? If so, then it doesn't appear that cutting these positions will reform the problem of generous public sector benefits, which are typically reserved for full-time government workers.

Meg Whitman is probably the most successful female CEO in Silicon's Valley's history, but I wish she'd be more specific about how she plans on accomplishing her goals. If she does well in the Governor's race, expect to see her as the GOP's Vice Presidential candidate in 2012.

Keith Bardwell: What Century is This Again?

Reason #33847 you don't want the government meddling in your private affairs: openly racist judicial officers who don't think they're racist.

More here on Louisiana's Keith Bardwell. Someone should tell him that accepting the repeal of Jim Crow laws doesn't automatically make him non-racist.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

My Favorite Part of the Bible

My favorite Bible verse is Psalms 139: 

O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me; Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising; thou understandest my thought afar off; 

If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me; 

If I say, "Surely the darkness shall cover me"; even the night shall be light about me; For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb; When I awake, I am still with you. 

When I was at UC Davis, a fellow English major shared the above verse with me. I can't remember her name, but I hope she's doing well. 

O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me; Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising; thou understandest my thought afar off; 

If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me; 

If I say, "Surely the darkness shall cover me"; even the night shall be light about me; For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb; 

When I awake, I am still with you.

See also, the Koran. Islam requires all believers to accept Jesus Christ's and Moses' teachings: 

Say, "We believe in God and what has been sent down to us, and what was sent down to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the Tribes, and what Moses and Jesus were given, and what all the Prophets were given by their Lord. We do not differentiate between any of them. We are Muslims submitted to Him." (Sura al-Baqara: 136) 

The messenger has believed in what was revealed to him from his Lord and so have the believers; each has believed in God, His angels, His scriptures and His messengers. We do not differentiate between any of His messengers. They say, "We heard and we obeyed; we seek your forgiveness, Our Lord, and unto You is our destiny" (Sura al-Baqara: 285) 

By the way, if anyone has insight on Biblical passages mentioning prophets after Jesus, please post a comment. The Bible seems to accept the possibility of future prophets. See Revelation 11:10 (read entire chapter for proper context); Matthew 10:40-41 & especially Matthew 23:34; John 13:20 & 15:20; and Acts 11:25-30, 13:1, and 15:32 (mentioning prophets born after Jesus's birth). More here.

Bonus: "Those who believe [in the Koran], and those who follow the Jewish [scriptures], and the Christians and the Sabians, any who believe in Allah and the Last Day [of Judgment], and who work righteously, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve." -- Koran, Al-Baqarah, 2:62 

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Simpsons on Unions

The Simpsons show always has the best lines:

You can't treat the working man this way. One day, we'll form a union and get the fair and equitable treatment we deserve! Then we'll go too far, and get corrupt and shiftless, and the Japanese will eat us alive!

Oh, the tragedy.