Showing posts with label airport. Show all posts
Showing posts with label airport. Show all posts

Friday, January 1, 2010

Bruce Schneier: Levelheaded Wisdom

Bruce Schneier has done it again--he's delivered a concise, perfect-pitch summary of national security. See HERE for full article. My favorite part is below:

By not overreacting, by not responding to movie-plot threats, and by not becoming defensive, we demonstrate the resilience of our society, in our laws, our culture, our freedoms. There is a difference between indomitability and arrogant "bring 'em on" rhetoric. There's a difference between accepting the inherent risk that comes with a free and open society, and hyping the threats.

Oh, the genius. In a perfect world, Mr. Schneier would be in charge of the TSA.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Government in Action

I don't know how I missed this tragically funny story about American immigration agents spreading the love, Homeland Security-style:

Erkki Maattanen, a filmmaker for Finnish Public Television who accompanied the musicians on the September trip, said his questioners seemed to think the entourage was smuggling drugs or intending to work without a permit. "I kept trying to tell them why we were here, but they'd just yell, 'Shut up!"' he said.

Ladies and gentlemen, your taxpayer dollars are hard at work.

Hat tip to