Showing posts with label per capita GDP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label per capita GDP. Show all posts

Friday, July 25, 2008

July 25, 2008: WSJ Letters to the Editor

I've been reading the Wall Street Journal for years, and I've never seen better letters published on the issue of income taxes. From July 25, 2008 newspaper:

By Sim Pace, from Arlington, VA--the spirit of Jefferson shines bright:

"[T]he top 50% of taxpayers paid 97.1% of income taxes in 2006...Isn't that the well-known definition of democracy, the poorest 51% of the population tyrannizing the richest 49%? I suspect Sen. Obama would like to see the pendulum swing even further and have the top third of taxpayers pay all the income taxes, then the other well-known definition of democracy will have been validated: two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.

By Bruce Kebbekus from Hotchkiss, CO:

It should be mentioned that letting about half the citizens escape and pay no income taxes will lead, and probably has already led, to voter disinterest and bad government. Too many have no stake in the game.

By Harold Arkoff from Calabasas, CA:

California...receives back from Washington a smaller percentage of income taxes than it pays. A greater burden is placed on the local population to pay for state services which must be paid for by other sources of revenue..."Their fair share" can have more than one meaning. Is California getting a fair share?

What do D.C. and Delaware produce? They are usually in the highest brackets in terms of per capita GDP by state. See

Delaware has attracted almost all the major banks to its state by having a pro-business platform. Also, most of us didn't elect the Delaware Chancery Court to decide economic legal issues, but its opinions make waves nationally in business matters. This small state and D.C. have made themselves epicenters of influence despite their unimpressive physical statures (D.C. is a swamp after all).I t's commendable to see a small state and a district attract so much business and influence. At the same time, one wonders why California and Texas citizens don't project themselves as well as these smaller entities. Is this a case of Lennie and George, as Mr. Arkoff implies in his letter?