Showing posts with label Charles Wheelan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charles Wheelan. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Greg Mankiw Supports Charles Wheelan

Greg Mankiw supports Charles Wheelan for Congress:

Here's an article from Charles Wheelan, summarizing his views:

You'll notice that he lists Mankiw as his favorite economics blogger.

I wrote about Wheelan before on this blog.

Wheelan has an excellent book, Naked Economics. Great title, isn't it? There's no nudity, but it's a fun read, especially if you liked Freakonomics.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Charles Wheelan and the Fed Budget Deficit

Charles Wheelan, a Yahoo Finance columnist, is the author of Naked Economics, one of my favorite and most accessible economics books. Here's what he had to say recently:

If you want to know how bad this [debt] problem is likely to get, check out this alarming graph [above] from the Heritage Foundation based on data from the Congressional Budget Office. (Warning to parents: The graph is inappropriate for children -- not because it's pornographic, but because they'll realize how much your generation is totally shafting them.)

See for more.

Bottom line: we're borrowing from many future generations to pay for obvious mistakes now. The U.S. dollar and our world image are suffering as a result.